Skins E4

Skins (TV series)Image via Wikipedia

Skins E4.

Skins is now currently showing on E4, and you can also watch Skins online, using the 4 on demand player, or the E4 Player, as most people call it. Their are many behind the scenes videos now showing online too, and if your a fan of Skins on E4, you will love the content on the Skins e4 website.

Recently, the Skins cast have been up to a few things. The cast of Skins have been been signing books, and you can get in on the action. The Skins novel will be signed by some of the cast, and bookstores and stars of the shows vary. Check the official E4 Skins website for more details.

Haven't got your Skins Novel yet? Click below to buy yours now it's only 2.98!
Skins: The Novel

Remember, you can watch Skins on E4 anytime you want, using the E4 Player, 4 on Demand player.

Here's one of the popular video currently playing on the Skins E4 website. Warning! This video clip contains strong language!